Ads102: Edit a Master Template

Customize ALL the creatives in a catalog in a single shot.

Each Branded Catalog has a Master Template with 7 size variations. Your products are fitted into the variation that is best suited for the dimensions of that product image.

Under each variation, you will see the number of products that have been fitted into that variation.

Edit Master Template:

  1. Click on ‘Edit’ below any template variation to customize it. All changes you make to that variation will reflect in all the ad creatives using that template variation.

  2. Click ‘Disable’ below any variation to stop using that variation in your ad creatives. The products that were being fitted into this variation will be auto-fitted into the size variation which is now closest to the dimensions of the product image.

    Socioh Tip

    Let’s say you want to edit a Master template and find that 99% of your products are being fitted into the square variation, but 1 product each is being fitted into each of the other variations. To avoid editing all 7 variations, you can disable all variations other than the square one. Of course, some of your products will not be fitted perfectly, but this can save you additional time.

  3. Your edited creatives will be used for the catalog that you are creating.

  4. Whenever you create a Branded Catalog, you will find all previously edited catalogs under the ‘My Templates’ tab when you select your template.

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