I’m not sure why my products don’t have any Google Product Categories. There are product categories for all items on my Shopify store.

Do you already have category information on Shopify but see a message saying your Google Product Categories are missing?

This may be because your products have the ‘product type’ information on Shopify, which does not map to any Google Product Category string values.

Google product categories have a specific structure, which looks something like this:

So, when your products are marked as ‘earrings’ in Shopify, Socioh will automatically find which category ‘earrings’ falls under and use that category (Apparel and Accessories).

But if many of your products are marked as ‘keyrings’ etc. which do not exist in Google’s hierarchy, we aren’t able to assign them a Google Product Category.

Here’s what you can do to add category information via Socioh.
1. Go your Socioh dashboard – Settings > Metadata > Create New Rule, as depicted in the screenshot below:

2. Now select the products you want to assign category information (or custom metadata) to. You can choose by any collection, category, or tag from your Shopify store and assign all products in that set a specific category.

3. Then choose the information you’d like to add from the dropdown (for example, for GPC, pick “category”):

4. Once you do that, you can choose from the drop-down to select the “Parent Category”:

6. After this, you’ll be able to add sub-category all the way down to the particular product grouping:

Plus, you can also add more meta fields like price, color, size, and other relevant information.

Remember, the more specific you are, the more data FB has to target correctly!